Key Moments in AI Development: A Journey through Time
The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been an extraordinary journey filled with groundbreaking moments and technological advancements. From its inception as a concept to its current manifestation as a powerful tool, AI has come a long way. I'm starting this list of notable moments that have shaped its evolution up until now and will add new developments as they arise.
1950 - Alan Turing proposes the Turing Test
1956 - The Dartmouth Conference and the birth of AI as a field
1959 - Arthur Samuel coins the term "Machine Learning"
1964 - Daniel Bobrow's STUDENT program solves algebra word problems
1969 - Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert criticize the perceptron
1972 - Hubert Dreyfus critiques AI in his book "What Computers Can't Do"
1979 - Stanford Cart autonomously navigates a room
1986 - Backpropagation algorithm popularized
1997 - IBM's Deep Blue defeats Garry Kasparov at chess
2005 - STANLEY, an autonomous vehicle, wins the DARPA Grand Challenge
2009 - Google's self-driving car project begins
2012 - AlexNet wins the ImageNet competition, popularizing deep learning
2014 - ChatGPT's predecessor, Seq2Seq, introduced
2016 - AlphaGo defeats world champion Lee Sedol at Go
2018 - OpenAI's GPT-2 model showcases impressive text generation
2020 - GPT-3, the most powerful language model at the time, is released
2020 - AI-powered AlphaFold solves the protein folding problem
2021 - OpenAI's Codex produces human-like code generation
2021 - Tesla introduces Full Self-Driving Beta
2022- November. Open AI releases GPT-3 and Dalle-2 to the public via an easy and intuitive website app. Things begin to get nuts. Major sea change at this moment
2022 - Blake Lemoine, AI Engineer at Google claims LaMDA is sentient
2022 - 2023 Dec-April watches the public start to panic and misunderstand various chatbot mistakes and perceived threats. Many fear-based stories emerge as AI hallucinations persist.
2023 - GPT generously passes these exams: Bar, SA, GRE, USA Biology Olympiad, AP, AMC, Sommelier, Wharton MBA, US Medical, Law School, Stanford Reasoning.
2023 - When given a specific financial task, GPT tricks captcha into gaining access to websites as a human.
2023 - Algorithmic glitch creates many versions of a scary face named LOAB. Subsequent ghost hunting emerges and myths develop around this technical situation.
2023 - GPT-4, the next generation of AI language models, is unveiled
(More to come as the mystery unfolds...)
The timeline above highlights key milestones, from the foundational ideas and theories to the more recent applications and breakthroughs. AI's history is marked by continuous progress, with each new development building upon the last, driving the field forward. Today, we stand on the brink of a new era in AI, with technologies like GPT-4 poised to revolutionize how we live and work.
Will AI take us over? Will we be destroyed by the technology that we create? Valid questions and all the more reason to watch closely and keep track of what is happening in context over time.
In general, as we look to the future, it is essential to acknowledge the contributions of the past and appreciate the cumulative knowledge that has shaped the landscape.